

The speed is extremely fast, and the cold breath is weird, but it can't stop Wu from abandoning his mind. On second thought, Wu abandoned a little idea and entered the puppet body. Instantly, the…

This is what ancestors do. If you want to have the five senses and limbs like humans, you have to behave yourself and not enter the rebirth pool. It is our own choice. We orcs will not force the same kind or orcs to enter the rebirth pool except prey. "


Their choice "By the way, is my little white a descendant of your white tiger family?" "This little white tiger is in a very special situation. It should have eaten some special medicinal materials and…

Lu Li didn’t know what she was thinking, but interrupted her words, "My real name is Lu Li’s younger brother, and this time I came to Yongzhou, but I have two big things to do. If I didn’t do well, it would be difficult to explain to my elders that I had to hide my name, but I had to ask Sister Green not to care."


The green wave son heard one leng one leng, and she suddenly made moves to spread the enchantment. She wanted to do her own double major, but she was ashamed to see the difference between…



古雷兽皮毛? 那早就灭绝了不知道多少亿年古老物种别是皮毛了就算是想要找点骸骨出来都难于登天化石他到是见过但一旦成化石就什么都没有了 所碍于这种种阻碍萧凡也能做出一大堆低阶符咒分发给青阳盟实力较弱弟们让放身边防身但想要利这些符咒战胜比自身修高敌人是绝对不可能最多能做到就是吓唬吓唬人而已! 时光荏苒岁月穿梭三年时对于仙修者来说什么都不是 宛如眨了眼睛一般就这么逝去了 离着那说即将到来毁灭性灾难时越近所有人心就越发紧张起来 然而青阳盟实力虽然得到了巨大升比起三年前来说增加了万倍不止但却面对未知恐怖劫数还是胆战心惊 “我感觉到了那一天到来快了!”心毒晶盘膝入定萧凡猛地睁双眼身恐怖力量轰然而出淡淡说道 他修早很久前就已经突破到了离神后期此时更是一脚已经迈进了离神巅峰程度一身元力厚重到了法想象程度如果那个倒霉摩罗血君要是碰到了他怕是连三招都走不出就会被萧凡拍死! Among the first masters of Qingyang League who entered the realm of detachment, Qingyang advanced the fastest, and the degree of repair at this time was…

Don’t tell everyone what happened.


Wei Chang immediately joined the headquarters and cancelled the gravity sling and walked towards the front of the train. But the gravity sling was cancelled and the train started running immediately. Pangu can solve this…