Then his figure rose.
Lin Yi also flew up.
Two people toward the house.
After they went to the Qin Dynasty, they entered the room.
He looked at the grim-faced Li Tianlang and took another look at the cracked teapot Qin Dingfang’s face and passed a strange look that was hard to detect.
Qin Dingfang asked, "Did the child fall and tell the Tibetan king?"
Li Tianlang angrily said, "You didn’t see the hidden king just now. If I don’t say don’t say that I am the four kings, even if the emperor is old, he will kill Qin Xiong’s hidden king, so how can we fight Lin Yi?"
Qin Dingfang said, "You know Li Xiong’s situation of calming down and hiding the king. He is Su Jiner’s blood in his life. Can he not try his best to protect him?"
Li Tianlang said, "He thinks Su Jiner is his daughter’s mother. I don’t know who planted it!"
Qin Dingfang suddenly smiled slyly and said, "Don’t worry, we’ll soon know who it is. I’ll tell you, don’t tell anyone yet. I’ve caught Ji Lingxiu."
Li Tianlang eyes a bright he said "really caught? !”
Qin Dingfang said, "He actually fled to a small town in the middle of Shu as a fortune teller, but he still can’t escape from the palm of my hand. I have ordered someone to secretly escort him back, and he will arrive in six or seven days on his way."
Li Tianlang seems a little discouraged. He said, "If Su Jiner really hides the daughter of the king, he will still obstruct us everywhere."
Qin Dingfang seems to have a plan, and his face is becoming more and more difficult to detect.
Qin Dingfang said, "Don’t worry, I will find a way to make Su Jiner be Su Qinghou’s daughter and let the Tibetan king die completely."
Li Tianlang said, "Do you really have a way? !”
Qin Dingfang nodded. He stepped on the broken teapot and forced it.
As it rang, the teapot fragments turned into powder.
Qin Dingfang cruel tunnel "when the time comes, the Tibetan king knows that Su Jiner is not his daughter, and all his love for her is ridiculous. Guess what will happen to him? He will be furious, he will kill, no matter who he is, he will never be soft again! "
Chapter sixty-four Save the woman (4)
Qin Dingfang didn’t cheat Li Tianlang. Ji Lingxiu was indeed caught on the way.
Hu Ling identified Su Jiner as his daughter’s nurse and was eager to stir up Qin Dingfang’s plan many times. He also made Qin Dingfang treat Su Jiner as a bodhisattva, which made Qin Ding feel very angry.
But there is nothing he can do.
For one thing, Hu Ling is his uncle, and for another, he can’t live without Hu Ling’s help.
Qin Dingfang can think of some way to make his uncle wake up completely and give up completely, killing the last ray of affection in his uncle’s heart and turning him into a cold and bloodthirsty beast again.
Qin Dingfang also said to Li Tianlang, "Brother Li Fox King is coming soon, and Simon Wang Xuan, the master of Simon Wang, is also a rare person. When he comes back, we will be even more powerful. We will add blood monks and Du Youxin Langhe, but we will take advantage of Lin Yi’s killing the Soviet monkey and destroying the South Courtyard just around the corner. Then the western region army will send troops and enter Brother Li, and it will be your business all day. Don’t take it to heart."
Li Tianlang’s anger subsided a lot after Qin Dingfang’s guidance.
You Qin Dingfang said that the whole day would be him, which made Li Tianlang even more intoxicated.
Li Tianlang said, "Then don’t inform Hu Jingjing and Luo Qingling to let them have a preparation."
Qin Dingfang said, "We can’t shake the determination not to save the little bastard. If we can’t save the little bastard, the Tibetan king will make a loss with us again. We don’t care about everything. Let’s let the Tibetan king be spontaneous this time so that he will read us well."
Li Tianlang said, "What if Hu Jingjing and them are killed?"
Qin Dingfang’s eyes flashed a ray of vicious color.
"Isn’t it two coquettish foxes? Even if they hide the king’s hand, we all push Lin Yi." Qin Dingfang sneered. "The old demon lost his daughter who can sleep with him. How will his anger vent?"
Li Tianlang was overwhelmed. He gave Qin Dingfang a thumbs-up and said, "Qin Xiong is tall! When I take the day to the throne, you are my prime minister. Ha-ha-ma, no matter what happens, I’ll pretend I don’t know anything … "
Qin Dingfang smiled.
His smile is as white as his own.
He really admired his own means, so he calmed down the angry four kings.
Hanyun Mountain Villa is located in a ravine in Yehuling.
Hanyun Villa is a medium-sized villa with thirty or forty houses.
There lived a rich family in Hanyun Mountain Villa.
But one night many years ago, everyone in the villa, including experts in nursing homes, children and even dogs, were hanged to death. It is said that nearly 100 people in the villa hung their tongues out of their mouths, which was strange and shocking, and it became a strange case.
But later, the government checked the clues for half a year, and the unsolved case was gone.
At that time, Uncle Qin of Beifu also sent someone to trace it, which was also a gain.
There are rumors that the case of Cold Cloud Villa was committed by a spectre.
However, it is known that all the people in the Cold Cloud Villa were hanged by the people with the magic belt, because the pastoral religion needed to raise a large number of silver in order to grow and develop, and it was discovered that there were a lot of gold and silver buried in the Cold Cloud Villa that created this unsolved case.
Since then, Hanyun Villa has also been called "Ghost Village" by local people.

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